Chann Spa

Tips For Better Sleep & Relaxation

While a trip to a Phuket spa will certainly help you to relax and have a restful night’s sleep. However, not everyone has the time for a lengthy spa treatment every day. A good sleep is essential to a more relaxed life. With all of the distractions in modern life, it’s very easy to end up with insufficient hours in bed or too shallow sleep, meaning you do not feel properly refreshed. To help, we’ve got a few tips for getting better sleep.


Solid Eight Hours

Arguably the most important part of sleeping well is sleeping for the right number of hours. Eight hours is generally the best amount, with too much more resulting in laziness and lethargy while too much less leaves you too tired. A good way to ensure you get a solid eight hours of sleep is to establish a routine. Go to sleep at the same time each day, including weekends and holidays, and wake up at the the same time, too. Set a pattern and your body will get used to the idea of getting proper sleep.



Drink Less Before Bed

It’s fairly obvious that your shouldn’t drink coffee or Coca-Cola right before you go to bed. Caffeine is a stimulant and will cause instant alertness. That’s why, when you go to a Phuket spa, you never get a coffee as a welcome drink. You might think that drinking alcohol before you go to bed would have the desired effect, but the reality is that it’s just as bad. Alcohol is a sedative and will certainly help knock you out, but will not put you into a deep, refreshing sleep. It is far better to go to sleep naturally, without the help of any substances at all.



Set The Scene

Just as a Phuket luxury spa is specially set up to optimise relaxation, your bedroom should be set up to optimise sleep. Make sure it’s dark, quiet and contains the minimum of distractions. Your bedroom should be a place only for sleep. In fact, if you’re struggling to nod off, you should get up, go to a different room and read for a bit, until you feel more relaxed. You should also keep laptops, smartphones and other technology out of the bedroom as they create a blue-white light which stops you getting to sleep.



Relaxing Practises

If you’re having difficulty dropping off, there are a few things you do which will help you to relax. The most obvious is to go to a Phuket spa for a massage, but that probably won’t be available in the middle of the night. More convenient alternatives include deep breathing, yoga and meditation. A common obstacle to a good night’s sleep is being unable to stop thinking. Meditation – concentrating on nothing but breathing in and out – can be a big help.