Phuket massages are famous for their ability to relax even the most tense person, but can they relax a husband and bride to be? Organising and preparing for a wedding will probably make you the tensest you have ever been in your life. You are hoping beyond hope that each and every element of a day-long plan will work perfectly and run exactly on schedule. Planning the D-Day landings was probably less stress-inducing! How do you counter that stress? With a Gua Sha massage.
What is it?
A traditional massage technique from China, Gua Sha involves stroking the skin with a stiff instrument, usually made of stone, jade or bone. It has been used throughout history to treat a number of ailments as it encourages improved blood flow just beneath the skin. It can have anti-inflammatory effects and boosts the immune system, which is probably why its name translates as “scraping away fever”.

Gua Sha is also known to help ease stiffness, headaches, nausea and pains in the back and neck – sound familiar? Most of those are stress-related symptoms that many a bride-to-be suffers.
“I don’t have time for a massage!”
Getting ready for a wedding while also continuing with your day-to-day life drains a lot of free time, so Phuket massages can seem like an indulgence you can ill-afford. Answer me this question, though: Can you afford to be ill on your wedding day? Do you have time in your schedule for a stress-induced breakdown?
For brides in particular, a bit of pampering is essential in the run up to the big day to ensure that you look your best. The grooms, too, but that generally requires little more than a fresh razor blade and maybe a haircut. However, both of you should be setting aside time for a visit to a Phuket spa. That little bit of relaxation will make a massive difference in the long run, helping you to de-stress and think more clearly about the big decisions you are making on a continuous basis. Stress often impacts your physical wellness in a big way, and taking the time to have a massage will help reduce the risk of your big day being marred by sickness and pain.

Do It Yourself
While you’ll naturally get the best results by having professional Phuket massages, you can actually do Gua Sha massages yourself. You’ll need to buy the appropriate tool, but they’re widely available and relatively cheap online. In a pinch, any stiff object will do the trick – even a spoon. Look up a tutorial video and follow the instructions carefully. It should be noted that incorrectly applied massage techniques can do more harm than good, so it really is better to go to a professional.