Stress is practically a day-to-day challenge for many people these days, and taking a trip to a Phuket spa every day is rarely an option. The emotional and physiological risks of constant exposure to stress are many and varied and generally best avoided, so how can you manage stress to keep its harmful impacts to a minimum? We’ve got a few tips for you here.
Get out of your own head
A few moments of mindfulness throughout the day can make a massive difference to your stress levels. You don’t have to go as far as a full meditation session. Just close your eyes and become aware of your body, relaxing your shoulders and anywhere else you can feel tension. And breathe – don’t forget that, too. You could add a few bonus features to your relaxation ritual, such as a certain piece of relaxing music or some aromatherapy oils, scented candles or incense, but the important part is the act of disconnecting from the many worries invading your conscious mind.
Have a massage
Yes, we did say that visiting a Phuket spa every day is not always practical. However, when it is possible, it is certainly highly recommended. To a degree, this is almost a mirror of our first tip in that it gives you an opportunity to focus in on yourself and your body. Regular massages can have a long-lasting impact in helping you to regain and retain a sense of balance and inner strength.
Take a breather
We mean this quite literally – focusing on your breathing for a few moments can have a considerable impact on your stress, especially because stress can have a big impact on your breathing. Look up ‘alternate nostril breathing’ – it’s a great technique for cutting down stress and is something extremely quick and simple that you can do absolutely anywhere.
Sleep well
Deep, high-quality sleep is as important for your mental health as well as your physical health. It’s your body’s opportunity to recover from the ravages of the day, so you should do everything you can to optimise the impact of that time. Stop using electronic devices at least an hour before you go to sleep to give your mind a chance to wind down and reduce the amount of blue-white light your eyes are exposed to. Instead, play some relaxing music, do some light stretching, have a cup of turmeric milk and do whatever else you can to relax your body in mind to prepare you for a good night’s sleep.